gallery index |
yannick gilbert
patriarcal grand-parents
jean-marc gilbert
mercedes gilbert
patriarcal uncles and aunts
marie-josee and francisco santizo
joel and guylaine gilbert
yohann and ingrid gilbert
alexandra and jared robertson
tara gilbert
matriarcal grand-parents
steve rhoades
kim strautins
matriarcal uncles and aunts
steven rhoades and simone
roy and kelly williardson
art and misty gramer
tamara rhoades
extended family
in this section, we see andrew with his aunts, uncles, cousins and grand-parents! so far, we have a few pictures of the boy with the extended family. more will be added on as he grows up, and as he meets his family. we encourage you, as you meet with andrew, to request to be photographed, so that you may make it to the site! (or so that andrew will have these memorable souvenirs on pictures)

first few weeks at home and trip to california
the first picture of this set is the daily ritual of the bath. it features tara, kim and andrew... and the popular sink of our humble apartment. andrew receives one bath per day, around 9h30 pm... everynight... count on it... momma's promise. #2 is in california. this is actually after the whole week-end just before departure. kim and maris hold little andrew who is getting ready for another 12 hour trip. #3 is a close up of the new grandmother at the same moment. andrew obviously knows it is going to be a long trip and is preparing for a nap. #4 is when kim came over during andrew's second week. the is a great view on our kitchen... #5, once again when kim came for andrew's second week... bonding... pictures 6 and 7 feature respectively aunt kelly and uncle roy, the two most popular uncles and aunts there are, by unanimous vote. more to come!!!

week 8, mercedes' visit
this apck features some of the events that happened during mercedes' visit to utah. she spent a week visiting with us and with andrew. we have a few pictures to present you. the first one actually does not belong to mercedes' trip, but to janet's trip to utah from alaska. janet is a great aunt of andrew. indeed, she is the mother of aaron and corey rhoades who came to help during andrew's baby blessing. she came impromptu to our house during andrew's eight week and we were glad to see her. we could not miss the opportunity to picture her with andrew. the second picture of the pack is about one of the great things we did during mercedes' visit... cooking some good food. this is during the middle of the week. andrew is a little fussy, but mercedes is very concentrated on the dinner. tara and mercedes spent a lot of good time together during that week, exchanging recipes and memories of andrew and his dad... picture three is a good shot of andrew on his grand-mother mercedes. they have sat quite a bit together in this rocking chair during her week visit. i am not quite sure what andrew is trying to do on this picture, but he sure was making a funny face.picture four is a great shot of "the generation gap duo" at night, just before the bath.

week 9, trip to arizona, part i
yes, andrew has already been in four states, and this at two months... on the first picture of this pack, we have a unique shot of the rhoades family, with andrew. even though we do not see andrew too well on the picture, everyone else is very well featured, just before eating a delicious meal prepared by grand-mother (meal that i missed by the way...hum...hum...). i think this is a picture portraying a legacy of generations of his family. for a second picture, we are proud to display andrew with his second cousin josh. i think they make two great looking kids! in picture three, once again, we see josh and andrew, but now with misty, josh's mom, tara and kelly. picture four is a threesome of three generations: steve rhoades, tara his daughter and andrew his grandson. on picture five, we feature the boys only, steve and andrew, and mister bird in the background. i don't think any arrangements were made for the bird to be in the background, but this ends up being a great picture. in picture six, we see andrew with his two eyes wide open... with his aunt tamara... you can tell that andrew has his eyes very wide open, probably asking himself: "who is that pretty woman?" i have named picture seven "a handsome boy amidst the girls..." and finally in picture eight, this is andrew's reaction when uncle bob tokk him away from his circle of women in picture seven.

week 9, trip to arizona, part ii
picture number one shows andrew in the company of his cousins. kelly holds him, sionce he is not quite able to walk, and cj and marley enjoy their time around the pool. picture number two shows andrew and his great-grand-mother, or, his grammy, as everybody else would probably say. picture three features aunt jamie and the star andrew himself. in picture four, andrew has the great chance of being held by his aunt shauna. and in picture five, andrew shows his discontentment with sunbathing... kelly seems to disagree.

5th month, trip to california
andrew has become a beach boy! we have a few picture from andrew's last trip to california (end of june 2001) and we would like to show them to you. the theme of the trip is "the beach", as you will realize browsing through the pictures. shot #1 is "before the beach", with kelly holding andrew and making final preparations to go to the beach. andrew wears his beach hat and his new red swim suit. we can see that he has gained a few pounds... he is working on that... shot #2 is "going to the beach". here, andrew is pushed by his aunt kelly from oak street to oak beach, in laguna. shot #3 is "at the beach", with his mommy tara. andrew enjoyed sunbathing for the first time. not only did he like the sun, but the sand also. shot #4 features is aunt alexandra making andrew take a few steps in the "cool ocean sand". it seems like it is tradition to make children walk at the robertson's! shot #5 shows jared (alex's husband) making andrew take a few steps... what a "family tradition"! after the beach, the is always the pool! this is what constitute our shot #6. for this one, we have prepared a collage of six pictures with andrew and his mother in the pool. for shot #7, we stay in the pool, but we thought that this shot deserved to be on its own. it is "andrew on tiger". the last shot, shot #8, is a great demonstration of "andrew and his cousins c.j. and alex".