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April 5, 2001

During his trip to arizona, andrew got "shot" with a lot of family members. thus, the extended family section has received a fairly important update. follow this link to get the directly. if you need the password, you have to email me by clicking here. .

March 13, 2001

the prenatal and growth sections have been completed and updated. the birth page is now up, along with a beginning for the extended family page. as you meet with andrew, we encourage you to request to be photographed with thelittle boy, so that you may make it to the site! (or so that andrew will have these memorable souvenirs on pictures). have fun browsing, and remember that if you want the password, you have to email me by clicking here. .

February 28, 2001

andrew's site...from the early beginnings officially opens with 2 sections. the prenatal section offers pictures and video clips of andrew's life while he was in the belly. there are prenatal pictures and also some pictures of tara with her big belly. one video features tara literally stripping her belly to the skin! the growth section offers a weekly progression of andrew's growth with pictures illustrating it. all multimedia is zipped and password protected. if you want the password, email me by clicking here.

February 18, 2001

andrew's site...from the early beginnings unofficially opens with first downloadable material. the site is bilingual.

February 2, 2001

The site is placed on the web for experiments. Construction continues.

January 23, 2001

andrew is born at timpanogos hospital in orem utah at 6h28. he is beautiful.

August 18, 1999

yannick gilbert and tara rhoades are married in the san diego lds temple.

July 6, 1975

yannick gilbert is born.

November 29, 1974

tara rhoades is born.

at some point in our timeframe

it is somehow decided that a new family will be born.