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andrew thomas gilbert
so far, we have given him one: mister drew
provo, utah
Date of birth
january 23, 2001
timpanogos regional hospital, orem, utah
Measurements at birth
8.6 pounds and 20 and a half inches
� pictures are copyrighted. all rights reserved.
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week 13
we have very much enjoyed this last week. kelly and roy, having moved out of their house and being on their way to california, have stayed with us for a few days. thus, andrew hashad the chance to have his auntIe (notice the capital I, the only one on the whole web site!) kelly and his uncle roy. even though it is finals week, we all managed to be with him. his tear duct does not seem to open yet. he still has the yellow gup when he wakes up. nonetheless, as the doctor said, there is no sign of infection since it is not red nor looks puffy (at least, it is not puffy when it is cleaned-up). We noticed that he does not yet likes loud noises (who does). kelly took him on a walk last week, and as a fireman truck passing by rang its alarm, andrew gave a lippy. a similar thing happened when i posted him in the front of the house in his stroller, and attempted to mow the lawn. he gave a very big lippy, and i assume the lippy came because he didn't like the noise of the mower. we are still without a camera. olympus has now taken about a month for the repair! this sucks... we bought andrew his first toys. among these, he has a "brigde over me" type toy. when we first put him under, it was very funny to see him study the hanging objects and then grab them.

week 14
big novelty this week: we found out that andrew likes to dance! Here's how we discovered: just before kelly's and roy's departure, I downloaded from the napster a piece written by marcus miller. it is a "jazz house" piece featuring slap electric bass and other jazz instruments. after a few download failures, i finally got the piece all downloaded. i played the piece, and tara came to listen while she was holding andrew. we decided to dance. andrew looked at us, and after me poking him once while dancing, he totally laughed out loud! we continued dancing, and he continued to laugh when we'd involve him. we ahve our digital camera back... so more pictures to choose from! andrew has had his first cold this week. since he is a little congested, he caughs and breathes like a horse!

week 15
another milestone for the boy andrew: we caught him turning from his belly to his back... we were so surprised the first time that we shouted with exclamation and put him right back on his belly to see if he could do it again... and yes! he did it a second time, and a third, and a fourth. we were so excited that we decided to pull out the camera and film the moment... but of course, when i was ready to take the short video clip, nothing from the boy... he stayed on his belly. despite all, you've got my word, he can turn himself around. in addition to turning himself around, we have noticed that andrew his polishing his "on the belly" skills. he can raise his head almost at the 90 degree angle and his elbows will most likely lock in position soon. we wonder what will happen as we move from this apartment to our new place tomorrow. we hope he'll adapt quickly. we know for sure that andrew recognizes "his" home. it will perhaps be a little bit of adjusting for him before he feels this new place "his" home, but the payoff is his personal bedroom.
special update: moving day
wosh... it about 11h30 at night. we just finished moving everything from our old house to the new one. everything is packed in the living room, except our bed and andrew's crib. tara has been working hard while i was in school, putting things up in boxes. after my physiology lab of today, nonetheless, i rushed home to start unbuilding big things and getting them on the uhaul truck. andrew was very patient all day, and was a very good boy. despite this, i think he knows he is in a different place. he does not seem as secure and was giving us the lippy. we are thankful for bjorn nordstrum, our home teacher, who came to help us with everything. we also thank mason's dad, jeff (holly's husband) for coming after his busy day to give us a hand. this new place looks great! we're tired... we retire...

week 16
andrew's main change for this week happened with his voice. we have noticed that the high-pitch tones he was making for fun have now been replaced by a calmer voice. once in a while, we will yet hear him practice his soprano lines, but for the most part, it is a scratchy voice, most soft and quiet that we hear.