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andrew thomas gilbert
mister drew, andrew boy
provo, utah
Date of birth
january 23, 2001
timpanogos regional hospital, orem, utah
Measurements at birth
8.6 pounds and 20 and a half inches
� pictures are copyrighted. all rights reserved.
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week 17
we continue our weekly updates of andrew's infant chapters. this week, after having stopped rolling from his belly to his back, andrew decided to start again. his ability to lift his head his stronger than ever. he realizes that resting on his elbows does not fatigue his muscles as much. hence, he has adopted this position quite a bit this week. we wonder if he is teething or not. we captures him a few times this week biting objects (e.i. his mothers wrist) and he salivates more than usual (well, he refuses to keep his chin spit-free, as soon as we wipe the spit off, he spits back again). This week's picture is an original shot of andrew doing what he loves most: biting his lower lip.

week 18
there is a lot to say about this week. it seems like Andrew stops doing new things to impress us for a few days, and then suddenly... tons of things happen. first, i must mention that we went to the uinta national forest on memorial day. i heard of a place called silver lake that has a great hiking trail so i thought we could go as a family to check it out before we decide to hike it (the hike is 8 miles long). to get to the trail, you have to first go to silver flat lake (different than silver lake), which is accessible by car...(though you must be willing to risk your life on very steep dirt roads that go up forever and ever,) but once up there, it is beautiful. we hear that the hike up to silver lake is even more marvelous, and we're excited to do it hopefully next week. we took some pictures of our escapade and they are zipped up in a special pack of pictures in the travel section. this week, andrew has shown that he can not only grab things, but hold onto them, and then of course the next step, shove it in his mouth!!! when andrew takes his nightly bath, he splashes so hard with his arms and legs that he gets water in his face, which causes him to jump with surprise, which causes him to splash more, which causes more water to make him jump with more surprise, etc., etc. we laugh our heads off as he tries to stop the process! another hilarious thing that he started about a few days ago is puting his blanket over his head, freaking out, then taking the blanket off and looking around as if he has just done something phenomenal. he repeats this process over and over again, as if puting the blanket over his head isn't going to freak him out the next time he does it... but of course it always does. andrew has also discovered that his feet, especially his toes are a part of his body. every chance he can get, he's grabbin onto those toes. that little tongue of his is also always stickin' out of his mouth more than it is in!!! he just cracks us up. The fact that he eats in about 3 seconds flat has made life for the "mom" quite a bit easier, but i'm sure you've never seen a baby get so excited to eat (of course the excitement lasts longer than the actual eating...) andrew's new bedtime--8:30, has also given mom and dad a little more alone time together, but life is always a little more dull when he's not around. we miss him even while he's in bed. of course, new sounds are always a delight for us and for the baby who's making them. sometimes when he whines now a days, one might wonder whether it's a puppy or a baby? his new cry is quite endearing. andrew is quite adventerous in his sound making having quite a few conversations with himself daily. we just adore our little bundle of joy--he couldn't be more perfect!!!
have you ever wondered WHAT IF? click here for a funny picture

week 19
we gave andrew his first solids this week. it was the beginning of his dealings with real consistent food. and let me tell you, we are impressed. the majority of babies will learn for about 3 to 4 days (from what the books say) not to spit the food which they are spoonfed, and then will eat it. andrew, nonetheless, as exceptional as he his, swallowed his first bite! even though he had quite a surprise look on his face, he got along with what was on the spoon. this week is also the beginning of a new territory we gave him: his playpen. we hope that by limiting his environment, he will develop his creativity. andrew also continues to amuse us with his daily laughters, when he litteraly cracks up after our prompts. we have so much fun together. his hair is growing back. you will be able to tell from the picture that his forehead line is almost covered up with hair. the hair on the sides of his heads is coming back at a slower pace, but it is coming back for sure. enjoy this picture of andrew devouring his rice cereals.

week 20
andrew continues to eat his solids, and he eats fast and well. we are surprised. the picture of this week shows how clean he is after eating. now, the little spots here and there were actually our fault... we tried to give him some yogurt once this week. the faces he made were just hilarious. he discovered the bitter taste and even though he didn't seem to mind it, his facial expressions were just so funny. Andrew was communicating with us this week. He's got two type of sounds. One is made by biting his lower lip and humming "hum,hum,hum". The other one is made by saying "ah!, ah!, ah!" not as if laughing, but more in a command form, repeated one after the other, with the same interval in between. Since he's been doing ths all week, we thought we'd put it on his web site. it's funny because the "hum, hum" sound can be trigerred if you first do it, then he's going to "hum, hum" too! andrew also got his second immunization shots. we were both there this time. even though he got surprise by the stingy feeling and probably the fast pain, he cried very hard, but not for too long. andrew can almost sit on his own. we sat him on the bed and put around his waste a sort of boppy. He stood on his own! we think that very soon he will be able to sit on his very own, without any help. we will let you posted!
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