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andrew thomas gilbert
mister drew, andrew boy
provo, utah
Date of birth
january 23, 2001
timpanogos regional hospital, orem, utah
Measurements at birth
8.6 pounds and 20 and a half inches
� pictures are copyrighted. all rights reserved.
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months 6 through 9
well, well, well! the little boy andrew has almost become a toddler since our last update! he now is nine and a half months and believe me, it is so fun to see him grow! andrew has demonstrated a very high capacity of being seated on his own. he never falls on his back nor on his side while being seated (until today, where he went from his seated position to his belly). he does not crawl yet, but scoots/rolls practically wherever he wants to. he was 20 pounds and four ounces when we got him checked out this last week. he is a little chubby, to say the least. his fine motor skills continue to impress us. he is so good at picking up litlle objects with his thumb and his index, bringing those objects close to his eyes and then scrupulously observing them with his studious eyes. andrew is still on his rigourous schedule... i say rigourous because it used to be rigourous for him, but now it is for us... he will not budge from waking up at 6h30am and going to bed so tired at 7h30pm. he says "daddy" (he repeats after us) most of the time we trigger him. he also can say "doggy", probably after seeing roxy so many times, and probably wondering how such a little thing can go places without batteries. andrew has developed a love for little children. everytime he sees a little person, he gets very excited and wants to go play with them. in the last months, tara's friend, holly, and her husband jeff and their son mason, have moved and have become our neighbors. mason is a month younger than andrew, and believe it, they play a lot together and love each other. when andrew sees mason, he squeals with joy. i already have commented on andrew's mobility. he does not crawl yet, but goes places! actually, he rolls! even though he has just recently learned to be on his hands and knees (which is a sign that he might crawl before walking...since he is late at crawling, we thought that perhaps he would skip the crawling...some babies do). he likes the non-fashionable manner of rolling. for the halloween season, he has been fashinated with our pumpkins. whenever we walk out the door, he want to touch those that are close. he love being held upside down, or at least when seated on us, he likes to have his head between our legs, upside down. even though he is very good at sitting, it is sometimes difficult to sit him, because his new thing is to stand up. when he is seated, we give him our two indexes (fingers) and he pulls himself completely up, without help! then he loves to look around and talk blabla while imitating real people who stand up. he also has discovered his tongue. he twists it any way possible and make the funnest sounds. his bath is probably still the best and most enjoyable moment of his days. and guess what: andrew had never fallen asleep on another human being (he did when a newborn, but lost the habit during his crib training.) until yesterday, when he showed much fatigue at a halloween party, and gave it up, on his mother's chest. andrew is the best sleeper. he has not yet awaken during the night since he learned to sleep through the night in his seventh week.
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